# Python CodeRecipe|format()の使い方

Home String Methods

# format()の例1

txt = "For only {price:.2f} dollars!"
print(txt.format(price = 49))

# format()の定義及び使い方

format()関数は、指定された値を取得し、文字列のプレースホルダ内に挿入します。 プレースホルダは、中カッコ{}を使用して定義されます。詳細については、プレースホルダを表示します。 format()関数は書式設定されたstring。

# format()の構文

string.format(value1, value2...)

# format()の引数

value1, value2...:必須. One or more values that should be formatted and inserted in the string. The values can be A number specifying the position of the element you want to remove.The values are either a list of values separated by commas, a key=value list, or a combination of both.The values can be of any data type.

The Placeholders The placeholders can be identified using named indexes {price}, numbered indexes {0}, or even empty placeholders {}.

# format()の例2

txt1 = "My name is {fname}, I'am {age}".format(fname = "John", age = 36)
txt2 = "My name is {0}, I'am {1}".format("John",36)
txt3 = "My name is {}, I'am {}".format("John",36)

Formatting Types Inside the placeholders you can add a formatting type to format the result:

:< Try it Left aligns the result (within the available space)

:> Try it Right aligns the result (within the available space)

:^ Try it Center aligns the result (within the available space)

:= Try it Places the sign to the left most position

:+ Try it Use a plus sign to indicate if the result is positive or negative

:- Try it Use a minus sign for negative values only

:  Try it Use a space to insert an extra space before positive numbers (and a minus sign befor negative numbers)

:, Try it Use a comma as a thousand separator

:_ Try it Use a underscore as a thousand separator

:b Try it Binary format


Converts the value into the corresponding unicode character

:d Try it Decimal format

:e Try it Scientific format, with a lower case e

:E Try it Scientific format, with an upper case E

:f Try it Fix point number format

:F Try it Fix point number format, in uppercase format (show inf and nan as INF and NAN)


General format


General format (using a upper case E for scientific notations)

😮 Try it Octal format

:x Try it Hex format, lower case

:X Try it Hex format, upper case


Number format

:% Try it Percentage format

Home String Methods