# Python CodeRecipe|exceptの使い方

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# exceptの例1

If the statement raises an error print "Something went wrong":

    try:  x > 3except:  print("Something went wrong")

# exceptの定義及び使い方

except関数は、try ...。除く ブロック。tryブロックでエラーが発生した場合に実行するコードブロックを定義します。 エラー・タイプごとに異なるブロックを定義し、 何も問題がなければ、以下の例を参照してください。

# exceptの例2

Write one message if it is a NameError, and another if it is an 

    x = "hello"try:  x > 3except NameError:  
    print("You have a variable that is not defined.")except TypeError:  
    print("You are comparing values of different type")

# exceptの例3

Try to execute a statement that raises an error, but none of the defined 
  error types (in this 
  case, a ZeroDivisionError):

    try:  x = 1/0except NameError:  print("You have a 
    variable that is not defined.")except TypeError:  print("You 
    are comparing values of different type")except:  
    print("Something else went wrong")

# exceptの例4

Write a message if no errors were raised:

    x = 1try:  x > 10except NameError:  
    print("You have a variable that is not defined.")except TypeError:  
    print("You are comparing values of different type")else:  
    print("The 'Try' code was executed without raising any errors!")

Related Pages The try keyword. The finally keyword.

Home Python Keywords